CSSC North East and Yorkshire Regional Event
Thursday, 7th July 2022
On Thursday, our team joined delegates at the CSSC North East and Yorkshire Regional Event hosted by Business Central, Darlington.

The CSSC Regional Events bring a variety of business sectors together including insurance, NHS, security, hospitality and chemical, to offer support to their operations in safety and security.
The event has received excellent comments and we would like to share with you details of the day. Unfortunately, CSSC Chair Andy Davis could not attend, so the CSSC update was provided by Vice Chair, Paul Ottley and Harrison Forsyth. The Counter Terrorism Police also provided an update and delivered SCaN training to delegates. SCaN training teaches how to correctly identify threats and risks as well as how to become situationally aware in responding to them ensuring safety is prioritised.
Closing words were given by Durham Police and Crime Commissioner, Joy Allen BA Hons MSc MBA. She provided an insight into the work she does in Country Durham to ensure it is a safe and secure place for businesses and residents to operate. Delegates then had the opportunity to network and find out more about the existing members of the CSSC North East and Yorkshire. Non-members were also welcomed the attend the event and we hope to see some new faces join CSSC soon.
We would once again like to thank all the delegates who attended the regional event, and we hope you enjoyed your time with us. We would also like to thank our speakers Joy Allen and the Counter Terrorism Police for sharing informative words with the group. Finally, thank you to Vanessa Wood, Centre Manager at Business Central, Darlington for allowing CSSC to use the venue for this event.
For further information regarding CSSC membership, please visit: www.thecssc.com.