Cultural Protection Training, Scotland

Monday, 17th June 2024

The team travelled to Scotland this week to deliver our CPD Certified cultural protection training for members of staff at cultural venues within Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Cultural Protection Training, Scotland

On Monday 17th of June 2024, Andy Davis, the Managing Director of Trident Manor, travelled up to Scotland and delivered our Introduction to the Protection of Cultural Venues CPD certified programme to cultural staff at Dumfries and Galloway Council.

This programme provides an excellent introduction to understanding the various threats faced by cultural venues, including social, adversarial, cyber, and environmental threats. It employs accessible frameworks such as the Five Stage Attack Cycle, illustrating the target selection and planning processes used by criminals in activities like robbery, burglary, terrorism, or protests.

The programme also emphasises the significance of situational awareness and surveillance detection as valuable tools for professional and everyday contexts. Being vigilant and proactive in addressing potential threats to cultural venues can save lives and prevent financial, operational, and reputational damage.

Finally, the programme highlights essential operational practices that all venues should implement. These include ensuring staff are well-versed in their roles and responsibilities, guaranteeing that technical equipment is operated by competent individuals or teams, and promoting continuous learning opportunities through training and education like this programme.