International Protective Activities - Republic of Ireland
Wednesday, 18th October 2023
Trident Manor continues supporting clients in the UK and internationally. This has seen threat, risk, and vulnerability assessments being undertaken alongside protective surveillance activities.

On Monday the 16th of October 2023 Trident Manor deployed personnel to the island of Ireland for protective activities. A historic venue in County Down was visited where an assessment was undertaken relating to some high-value artefacts that are going to be put on display. It was noted that the in-house team was very proactive in their security risk management approach and as such there was only the need for a few recommendations alongside general advice and guidance on further improving the overall protective security.
Later that same day an advanced reconnaissance was conducted prior to a protective surveillance task on Tuesday morning. What was obvious was that the start point for the surveillance was going to be difficult to achieve without compromise due to the extremely rural setting and the fact that a change had occurred which the international client was not aware of. However, choke points were identified which meant the subject of the surveillance had to pass by 1 of 2 points.
On Tuesday morning personnel were deployed from 0530hrs and eventually started the surveillance at 0715hrs. The subject travelled through several counties in the Republic of Ireland before stopping at a location just outside Dublin. The subject was videoed and still images were taken showing full compliance with the requirements of the international partner.
Andy Davis, Trident Manor's managing director commented, "It isn't always necessary to find fault when assessing or undertaking a compliance verification activity. If good measures exist and a proactive approach is being adopted then that in itself should be seen as a success." He went on, "The issues surrounding the private sector conducting of surveillance were highlighted by several factors on this task most notably getting a trigger without being compromised, even by an unconscious (surveillance wise) subject. There has to be intelligence, knowledge, and resources to make it successful."
For further information about how Trident Manor can support your protective security efforts, whether nationally or internationally, feel free to contact us.