Security Audit in Dublin

Monday, 20th May 2024

A security audit was undertaken at a Dublin-based organisation to ensure continued compliance with international best practices.

Security Audit in Dublin

On Monday the 20th of May 2024 Trident Manor personnel flew to Dublin to undertake a security audit at an organisation to ensure they complied with international best practices in their specific area of operation and to ensure that an effective quality assurance process exists.

Following the arrival at Dublin airport, the venue was visited without notifying the organisational representative. This allowed operational practices to be observed and physical security measures to be tested through attempts at unauthorised activities. Effective access control measures existed which prevented further unauthorised ingress into the premises and access to sensitive materials.

The following morning the formal audit took place where all of the governance material was reviewed alongside emergency plans, technical security systems, and operational practices. All was found to be appropriate and compliant.

Andy Davis pointed out, “Security audits are an important activity for internal and external consumption. Internally it provides senior managers with the confirmation that they are appropriately addressing security risks or whether vulnerabilities may exist. Externally, it provides a quality assurance that organisations are compliant with agreed standards and service levels.”

Trident Manor undertakes this type of activity around the world for individuals through to professional bodies and organisations. If you feel your organisation would benefit from our audit/assessment services please feel free to contact us.