Security Review of Cultural Archive Facility

Wednesday, 8th May 2024

Trident Manor personnel visited an archive facility in the east of England to undertake a security risk assessment and to ensure the assets within were protected by adequate levels of security.

Security Review of Cultural Archive Facility

On the 8th of May 2024, Andy Davis, the managing director of Trident Manor, visited an archive and storage facility in the east of England to review the levels of security that exist, and to check if previous recommendations had been implemented.

Archives contain materials that are of historical significance, nationally and internationally, and in many cases are of significant financial worth. That therefore can increase the attractiveness of archives to criminals, especially if information has been provided by an ‘insider’.

In addition to adversarial threats other threats have to be considered for example if there are large amounts of paper-based archives the risk of fire exists, and if costumes and clothing the threat from insects and other infestations.

This venue contained a mixture of objects, including documentary objects, stone artefacts, and paintings. Some of the collection is of global significance and extremely rare which if lost, damaged or stolen would cause significant reputational damage to the organisation and be an irreplaceable loss.

The review started before setting off for the venue with the undertaking of a CPA (crime pattern analysis) which highlighted high levels of anti-social behaviour and violence in the immediate vicinity of the venue. We also did a ‘flood-risk’ assessment to identify the history and likelihood of any water damage to the archives caused by flooding.

As with all reviews undertaken by Trident Manor, the evaluation of the outer perimeter, access points, secure zones, technical systems, and operational practices were all reviewed to see if vulnerabilities existed or increased the risk to the collections. A good level of ‘layered security’ existed that created security in depth and added robustness and resilience to the protective layers that had been applied.

Andy commented, “It is great to return to a venue and to see that previous recommendations that had been made have been implemented. It provides an assurance that the organisation's/nation’s assets are being protected.”

The review was completed and a report was shared with the client outlining the risks that had been identified, steps that could be taken to reduce the risks further and where the levels of protection were appropriate and suitable for the assets being held within.

If you would like to find out how Trident Manor can support you and your organisation by evaluating your venue or operations (cultural and other sectors) please feel free to contact us.