Testing of Security Layers in Holland

Tuesday, 20th August 2024

Testing of Security Layers in Holland

Trident Manor personnel flew into Holland on behalf of an American client to test the protective and operational security practices of two of its associate companies in the northeast and south of Holland. These tests, alongside announced security audits are important to ensure regulatory and trade requirements are being met, an effective quality assurance process.

At the first venue, covert surveillance was commenced observing the pedestrian ingress points and wider operational areas. While it was possible to enter the compound it was not possible to enter the secure buildings containing sensitive information and data. When a failed attempt to enter the office building failed, a snap audit took place to check that previously recorded vulnerabilities had been addressed. They had and the overall level of security awareness had improved.

At the second venue, an attempt was made to enter the secure working areas when a member of staff challenged the Trident Manor team member, preventing them from entering further. They escorted the team member to the main office where the designated member of staff was called and verified that the Trident Manor member of staff was legitimate. This was great to see as previously the Trident Manor team had not only gained entry into the sensitive area but were able to video their activities in the space without ever being detected.

Andy Davis said, “This clearly demonstrated an increase in the organisational security culture where the staff feel empowered to challenge non-conforming behaviour, well done to all.”

Pen-testing and unannounced audits are great ways for parent companies/organisations to proactively test their protective security measures and ensure that identified vulnerabilities are addressed and risks reduced.

Due to the discreetness and professionalism of our operations, our services are being increasingly sought and over the past 18 months, our pen-test and unannounced audit services have been sought in the UK, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland, Iceland, and Saudi Arabia. If we can help you why not contact us?