Trident Manor Support National Security Guidance Project

Tuesday, 18th June 2024

In June 2023, Trident Manor won a contract to review and deliver updated security guidance for the Archive and Records Association in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The documents worked on throughout this project have now been released.

Trident Manor Support National Security Guidance Project

Trident Manor was honoured to have been selected to work with the Archives and Records Association (ARA) to undertake a review and overall update of the existing security guidance for the association and other cultural venues to follow when seeking advice and guidance.

The project began with the development of a survey open to all who work in the cultural sector and who have used the services of the ARA before. We also conducted interviews to further understand people's thoughts on what current advice and guidance was available, how accessible it was, and whether it was easy to understand.

After collating the data from the survey and interviews, it was clear that further clarity and updates were required to the existing documentation. This was to ensure that members of staff operating at all levels within the cultural sector understand how to follow necessary procedures and protocols in response to an incident or for seeking advice.

Therefore, we are happy to announce the ARA has released its Security Guidance June 2024 document available to read below:

ARA Security Guidance June 2024.pdf

Our Managing Director, Andy Davis said, "It was a privilege to work with the ARA on this project and to work on the development of a document with massive importance to the sector. We hope to see many organisations and individuals benefit from its content which offers great details into security for cultural venues".

If you would like to discuss with our team how our support and research activities can assist your project, feel free to contact us.