Crisis Management Support
Monday, 16th March 2020
The Trident Manor team has built a reputation for providing high quality intelligence from open and closed sources (OSINT and HUMINT). Over the past months this has continued to be the case in support of US based clients needing to understand the impact of COVID-19 against particular business sectors in Asia.
Collators and analysts from Trident Manor were called upon to support clients in understanding the characteristics of COVID-19 and how it was impacting markets and sectors across ASIA. Using in-country assets and contacts the human and social impact of COVID-19 was shared alongside media, social sites and official governments online sites.
A valuable picture was able to be established showing the financial impact to global brands and early warnings of supply chain issues.
Daily reports were provided to help the clients make proactive and informed decisions about how best to protect their assets and reduce their risk exposure as much as possible.
For further information about how Trident Manor can help your organisation manage and reduce the risks it faces contact us.