Post-Incident Protective Analysis
Monday, 20th March 2023
Following a criminal act where high-value articles were stolen from a client Trident Manor was tasked to undertake a protective security analysis of a venue and its operations.
A client of Trident Manor suffered a high-value loss when items it owned, but were stored elsewhere, were stolen during a targeted burglary. Fearing that their premises containing much higher valued items may be targeted they called Trident Manor to undertake a post-incident analysis to ensure that vulnerabilities were identified and being proactively addressed.
As readers will know Trident Manor works to ensure ‘proactive prevention’ takes place as opposed to ‘reactive responses’ and at first sight, this could appear that we are reacting as opposed to preventing proactively. However, that is not the case as the loss occurred away from the client’s premises and so instead of ignoring things, the risk profile of their assets may have changed and therefore proactively engaged Trident Manor to assess and analyse whether there was an increased risk at their site.
A review of what had occurred, and the methods adopted helped contextualise whether it was a changing threat profile or just the realisation of one that was known to exist. It transpired that it was the latter. The team was then tasked with undertaking a CPA (Crime Pattern Analysis) of an area 2 km from the client’s premises going back 1 year. Based on the available data no clear patterns emerged and there was nothing to indicate any increase in any particular crime type.
This data is important as it allows an informed decision to be taken regarding the threat levels that exist before a site vulnerability assessment is undertaken.
In this case, the use of vehicles to transport the stolen goods was noted and allowed a critical review of the vehicle and pedestrian access points up to the client’s premises to take place. Vulnerabilities were identified as were solutions that included the introduction of HVM (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation) measures, restricting access, and technical security applications.
Some organisations may have just left it at that and declared to the client that they had assessed and provided a solution to mitigate that attack methodology, but that is not the Trident Manor way! The analysis and evaluation must continue to see whether the solutions proposed directly or indirectly impact existing protective measures. It is also important to continue the evaluation to see whether other vulnerabilities exist as a consequence of the initial offence and subsequent analysis.
Trident Manor personnel were able to identify new physical, technical, and operational vulnerabilities or where improvements could be made to better protect the client’s assets.
Following the site visit a full report was generated, a risk rating table was completed that identified key vulnerabilities and a priority list for addressing them, and a separate Recommendation List to identify proposed courses of action.
Once the report was submitted Trident Manor personnel availed themselves should the client or any of their representatives have any questions or concerns about the findings and subsequent recommendations.
The client was happy with our services and while their primary building had not been attacked and there is no doubt going to be financial expenditure at least they can be confident that they are working towards the proactive protection of their assets.
If you have suffered from a significant loss why not contact Trident Manor to help you make informed decisions about asset protection; better still don’t wait for the loss to occur and engage us to help you ‘PROACTIVELY PREVENT’ any losses.