PSSW Programme - Delivered to University of Plymouth Students
Tuesday, 14th December 2021
On Thursday 9th December 2021, our Managing Director delivered the PSSW (Personal Safety & Security Workshop) programme for Women, online to Events and Hospitality Management students from the University of Plymouth.
The safety and security of women in the UK continues to be a significant concern for individuals and the government alike. In March 2021, the nation was devastated by the murder of Sarah Everard committed by a serving police officer, Wayne Couzens. The outrage felt by the country led to protests and vigils declaring that women continue to feel unsafe, vulnerable, and that this needs to be addressed.
For the University of Plymouth, a case impacted women and young girls in the local area as Bobbi-Anne McLeod, an 18-year-old local girl was murdered after being abducted or coerced into a vehicle, while waiting at a bus stop. The bus stop is close to the University and places where students reside, as such caused additional concerns for staff and students.
The university reached out to Trident Manor as they recognised how useful and important our PSSW workshop was to inform women of the ways they can reduce the risks of violence against them. Andy Davis, our managing director, saw that there were additional factors that not only increased the safety of the staff and students in Plymouth, but also recognised that the risk of violence against women is a serious matter at events and festivals. As such it was agreed that we would deliver a presentation that looked at all aspects of safety and security of women, including things that should be considered during event planning.
Violence against women statistics were contextualised to highlight that the fear of violence is often much higher than the acts themselves. Students were given information that identified violence triggers and ways of increasing their situational awareness, from a personal perspective, and when planning events. The programme overran with great discussions and points being raised by students and lecturers. Scenario-based examples given by Andy based on his real-life experiences of event security management, allowing students to consider wider safety and security practices for themselves, and while planning different event types.
“I must say a huge thank you to Andy Davis, managing director at Trident Manor Ltd, based in Darlington, for his excellent presentation earlier today to University of Plymouth Events and Hospitality Management students on the subject of 'Personal Safety and Security for Women'” said Jo Hammond-Hart, a student on the programme.
By sharing this programme with the students Trident Manor has not only sought to reduce the risks faced by the students themselves but also enabled them to consider the risk to women during the planning of events and festivals in the future.
For further information about how Trident Manor can help reduce the risks to personal safety and security, prevent workplace violence, or event security risk management please feel free to contact us. For training please call +44 (0) 1325 734850 or consultancy +44(0) 1325 734849 or, visit our upcoming dates on our training calendar.